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The consolidation of my NetPlusUltra® program for all issues related to the user's profile and environment implies to reconsider each one of the four modules on my publication agenda for this year against the background of the conceptual matrix-based framework of which they provide a systemic overview, in order to demonstrate the added value of each part with regard to the whole.
Starting from the Infolio module of the Netfolio perimeter, augmented by the www.net-plus-ultra.info website (↳) of the Profolio level, the purpose of this Datafolio - in terms of conceptual adequacy with regard to the global macroeconomic context - is to propose a matrix-based CV blueprint for each of the four types of economies presented in the "Global" section of my Gridfolio (↳). Such theme variations will also have to take into account the generational aspects which I introduced in late 2015 on my www.net-plus-ultra.org website (↳) pertaining to the societal model of PlanetPlusUltra® .
Connections (v1.0/2016+)
Don't forget the sidebar’s navigation icons, which provide redirections to the overall program status update on my Dashfolio 2016, to a related web site or page, or to the feedback area providing access to the FAQ forum.